Book an Appointment
Hi! I am a Registered Dietitian ready to help you with weight management through wellness products that utilize an anti-diet approach. I am also a Mobility Specialist for those suffering from chronic pain in their neck, shoulders, back, hips, knees, etc.
If your goals include a change in body composition (body fat loss and/or muscle gain), nutrition is much more important than exercise to reach your goals. You can workout and have great results if, and only if, your food and lifestyle is aligned.
When it comes to personal training, Jo is your girl for managing chronic pain. She’ll give you detailed tutorial videos to be successful on your own with no equipment needed besides a chair, couch, and resistance bands.
Note: Joelle currently has limited in-person personal training openings, please message her through the contact page to get more information. Join as soon as you can to get to the front of the line and avoid waiting 6 months!